Monday, August 20, 2012

Why Participate in AAA's Summer Internship Program in Armenia?

Summer Internship Program from Ani Boghossian on Vimeo.

The Armenian Assembly of America's Summer Internship Program in Armenia participants give reasons to why they chose to participate in the program.
More about the program:
Zachary Antoyan - (interning at ACNIS)
Ani Darbinyan - (interning at Civilitas Foundation and AUNA)
Filmed / Directed / Edited by: Ani Boghossian
Music - Jahzzar "Room With a View"

Local youth and Assembly Interns Gather

On the 14th of August the AAA Yerevan Office organized a gathering/ meeting with the AAA Summer Interns in Armenia, Summer Interns in Washington and the local youth. The meeting was opened by the AAA Country Director Armina Darbinian, who gave an introductory on the aim of the gathering and talked about the Assembly and the Yerevan Office activities. 
During the meeting the interns presented AAA’s Summer Internship Programs, shared experiences and engaged in discussions with Armenian students. The Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program participants Alissa Tabirian and Lusine Stepanyan presented the Washington Internship Program through power-point and a picture slideshow. They talked about their meetings with different congressmen, ambassadors, the lectures and their internships in different institutions, offices and organizations. Soon after, the Armenia Internship Program participants Zachary Antoyan and Ani Darbinyan shared their work experiences and impressions on Armenia. The local students and the interns engaged in a lively discussion about the problems facing the youth in Armenia and USA, making comparisons and speaking about their differences, similarities, goals and hopes for the future. By the end of the meeting the participants had exchanged contacts and had made new friend.